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  • 排毒和净化身体。

  • 增强身体肌肉,增强免疫力。

  • 缓解焦虑和压力,同时促进放松。

  • 有助于减轻体重。

  • 减缓衰老过程。

  • 改善肤色。

  • 消炎。

  • 提高能量水平。

  • 增强身体柔韧性。



समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातु मलःक्रियाः।

根据阿育吠陀中的 Acharya Susrutha 对健康的定义 - 它是 Tridosha(身体的基本生理控制原理)、Agni(代谢和消化过程)和 Dhatu(维持身体组织形成的原理)的平衡状态。他还强调要正确消除体内的马拉斯(废物)。阿育吠陀强调了所有参数,例如:解剖学、生理学、心理和精神的健康。阿育吠陀说,身体、思想和灵魂都处于正常状态,所有生理活动都正常的人是健康的,而不是身体健康但精神和精神不处于正常状态的人。



To determine if Ayurveda is right for you, consider your personal health goals, belief in the mind-body connection, openness to personalized treatments, preference for natural and holistic methods, and interest in exploring traditional healing systems. A discovery conversation with a qualified Consultant can provide personalized insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals.



阿育吠陀是一种古老的医学体系,起源于 5000 多年前的印度。阿育吠陀是所有治疗系统之母。 “阿育吠陀”一词源自梵文“Ayur”,意思是生命,“Veda”,意思是知识或科学。因此,阿育吠陀可以翻译为“生命科学”或“长寿知识”。



स्वास्थ्यस्य स्वस्थ्य रक्षणं आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं।



1. 佛法



हितहितं सुखम दुःखं आयुस्तस्य हिताहितं
मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तं आयुर्वेद स उच्यते


虽然阿育吠陀涵盖了健康科学的广阔领域,但它不仅仅是治疗。它提供了对不同食物类型、Rthu charya(季节性惯例)和 Dina charya(日常生活)的见解。尽管阿育吠陀长期以来一直倡导自然节奏的重要性,但直到最近,西方研究人员才开始认识到它对我们的健康和福祉的深远重要性。


阿育吠陀不是仅仅解决症状,而是深入研究根本原因。它强调了坚持日常饮食习惯的重要性。通过关注我们身体的自然机制,阿育吠陀引入了“阿育吠陀时钟”的概念。 Dinacharya 指导我们确定日常活动的理想时间——从散步、锻炼、洗澡到冥想、吃饭、学习、工作、放松和睡眠。与这种节奏保持一致对于身体、思想和精神的和谐至关重要。

AYURVEDA DINACHARYA:利用我们身体的昼夜节律实现最佳健康

Ayurveda acknowledges the existence of an 'Energy Clock', which means that our energy levels are synchronized with time and there is an ideal time of day for various activities. The Ayurvedic Clock shares similarities with the Biological Clock or Body Clock, as it is connected to the functioning of our body and mind in relation to the surrounding energy and the state of our bodily humors (doshas). When our daily rhythms align closely with the natural rhythm of nature, we are more likely to achieve a state of balance and overall well-being. However, if we go against the natural cycle of nature, we may experience imbalances and a decline in our health. The Ayurvedic Dosha Clock divides the day into six 4-hour intervals, each corresponding to a particular dosha. These intervals repeat twice within a 24-hour cycle. By aligning your actions with the appropriate dosha, you can enhance your efficiency in whatever you do, as you will be working in harmony with your own nature. Activities for Vata Night Time: Vata is composed with the elements of ether(clear sky) and air, it is recommended to take advantage of the spiritual connections and access the ether.Between 2 AM and 6 AM our sleep becomes lighter and our body begins the elimination process. So Ayurveda advises to wake up during Brahma Muhurta This time is ideal for meditation, visualization, and creative activities. Activities for Vata Day Time: In the afternoon, from 2 PM to 6 PM, it is a good time for communication, socializing, and sharing creativity. Activities for Pitta Day Time: Pitta dosha, consists of fire and water elements. Pitta time makes the most productive part of the day.Pitta time from 10 AM to 2 PM it suitable for planning, taking action, and organizing tasks. Physical or analytical tasks should be scheduled during the Pitta daylight hours. Activities for Pitta night time During the night, from 10 PM to 2 AM, it is recommended to be in bed to allow the body to repair itself. Ayurveda suggests going to bed before 10 PM. Activities for Kapha Day time: Kapha dosha,which comprises of the earth and water elements is characterized by heaviness and nourishment of the body Kapha time is an ideal period for self-care rituals like massage and gentle warming exercises which should be performed slowly to match the Kapha nature. Having a light breakfast and gathering energy for the day, as well as preparing the day's schedule, are recommended during 6AM to 10AM. Kapha Night time From 6 PM to 10 PM in the evening, is the perfect time to unwind and recharge your energy. This period should be dedicated to spending quality time with your family and loved ones. Take the opportunity to center yourself and prepare for a state of relaxation and rejuvenation.

痤疮 • 过敏• 焦虑• 关节炎• 哮喘• 腹部问题• 呼吸问题• 便秘• 抑郁• 糖尿病• 胃炎• 脱发• 高血压• 失眠• 肠易激综合症• 月经疾病  nbsp;• 更年期问题• 偏头痛• 肌痛• 神经紊乱• 肥胖• 鼻窦炎• 打鼾• 皮肤问题• 压力• 坐骨神经痛• 胃气• 静脉曲张



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आहार शयनाब्रह्मचर्यैयुक्तया प्रयोगितै
शरीरं धार्यते नित्यमागारमिव धरणै;


  • आहार


  • निद्रा

    阿育吠陀将睡眠描述为生命的基本本能,对所有生物至关重要。我们需要它来使我们的身体、思想和精神恢复活力和活力。在正确的时间获得充足的睡眠有助于我们的健康并帮助我们获得良好的生活质量。适当的睡眠可以保护身体 Dhatu Pushti(营养)的生长和发育。睡眠实际上可以帮助我们学习、记忆、保留、回忆并利用知识来提出创造性和创新性的解决方案。就我们的整体健康而言,睡眠实际上与饮食同等重要。它对于生理和认知功能都至关重要。正如我们都经历过的那样,睡眠有助于恢复我们的警觉程度。

  • अब्रह्मचर्य



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